|    November 3, 2022

The forecast of Perth's future

The Western Australian Government recently issued a Climate Projects Summary which highlights the pertinent issues facing our state in the coming years.

This summary reinforces (as you will see below) that dark roofs and exposed concrete are having an influence on heat retention in suburbia. In addition, Perth’s days over 35 to increase from 28 to 36. Whilst this might not sound like much, these longer hot and dryer days across the whole summer, will have a substantial impact on people’s lives and ability to spend time outdoors, particularly for our elderly.

This temperature shift will result in people not venturing outdoors so much and seeking shelter in their homes. We therefore need to be mindful of how our homes function in the future. Design, positioning, materials used and daily activities, will all contribute to how we live with future changes to our climate.

Perth’s Climate Snapshot
(Source: Western Australian Climate Projections– Government of Western Australia 2022)

As of 31 December 2020, WA had an estimated resident population of about 2.67 million. Most of the population (78%) reside in the metropolitan region of the capital city Perth (ABS 2021).

Perth’s climate is expected to become harsher under all future emission scenarios. As Perth’s population density continues to rise, state and local governments, industry and the wider community face greater climate risks.

People living in larger cities can be more susceptible to the effects of climate change, particularly from heatwaves which can be amplified by the prevalence of concrete, dark-coloured roofs and a
lack of shade and green space.

Perth’s future climate CONFIDENCE LEVELS:

Average temperatures will continue to increase in all seasons
Higher sea levels and more frequent sea level extremes

Hotter and more frequent hot days
Less frost
Less rainfall in winter and spring; changes in other seasons are unclear
Increased evapotranspiration,
Reduced soil moisture and runoff
Harsher fire weather climate

More intense extreme rainfall events

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